Source code for adsorb.adsorb

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from sys import exc_info
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]class Event(object): """ Collects responses to the event. Attributes: * :attr:`name`: Name of the event * :attr:`context`: Context for event, provided by caller * :attr:`data`: Additional data provided by caller * :attr:`results`: Dictionary of results from each listener * :attr:`exceptions`: Dictionary of ``(exception, value)`` from failed listeners Event objects are automatically created by :meth:`Adsorber.raiseEvent` and passed as the sole parameter to each listener. """ def __init__(self, adsorber, name, context, **kw): self.adsorber = adsorber = name self.context = context = kw self.results = {} self.exceptions = {} def __repr__(self): return u"<Event '%s'> on %s" % (, repr(self.context))
[docs] def call(self): """ Call all listeners for this event and collect their output. """ events = self.adsorber._getEvents( for listenerid in events: try: self.results[listenerid] = events[listenerid](self) except: self.exceptions[listenerid] = exc_info()[:2] # Save exception and value
[docs]class Adsorber(object): """ Container for events and listeners. Typically used as a singleton instance for the entire application. """ def __init__(self): self.__events = defaultdict(dict) def _getEvents(self, name): """Return all events for given event name.""" return self.__events[name]
[docs] def addListener(self, eventname, listenerid, listener): """ Add a listener to the named event. Listeners are passed an instance of :class:`Event` as the sole parameter. The return value from the listener is collected in the event object's :attr:`results` attribute. """ self.__events[eventname][listenerid] = listener
[docs] def removeListener(self, eventname, listenerid): """ Remove a listener on an event. """ del self.__events[eventname][listenerid]
[docs] def removeEvent(self, eventname, confirm=False): """ Remove all listeners on an event. """ if confirm: del self.__events[eventname]
[docs] def raiseEvent(self, eventname, context, **kw): """ Raise an event. All listeners are called and their return values or exceptions are collected before execution resumes with the caller. Caller must provide a mandatory ``context`` and optional named attributes as data for the event. """ e = Event(self, eventname, context, **kw) return e
[docs] def listener(self, eventname): """ Decorator for event listeners to automate the call to :meth:`addListener`. Usage:: @adsorb_instance.listener("event-name") def your_listener(event): ... @adsorb_instance.listener(("event1", event2")): def your_listener(event): ... A listenerid for the listener is automatically constructed from the module and function names. This decorator can only be used with module top-level functions. For class methods and nested functions, call :meth:`addListener` at run-time. """ def decorator(f): listenerid = '%s.%s' % (f.__module__, f.__name__) if isinstance(eventname, (tuple, list)): for e in eventname: self.addListener(e, listenerid, f) else: self.addListener(eventname, listenerid, f) return f return decorator